@article{10.22454/FamMed.2025.435358, author = {Ho, Tiffany and Ly, Justine and Chen, Michael and Ryujin, Darin and Li, Marlana and Rodríguez, José E. and Chow, Candace}, title = {A Collaborative Reflection on the Model Minority Myth: Considerations for Recruiting, Retaining, and Promoting Asian Americans in Family Medicine}, journal = {Family Medicine}, volume = {57}, number = {3}, year = {2025}, month = {3}, pages = {153-158}, doi = {10.22454/FamMed.2025.435358}, URL = {https://journals.stfm.org//familymedicine/2025/march/chow-0270/}, eprint = {https://journals.stfm.org//media/y2qp3r3m/chow20240270docx-2025-03-05-17-06.pdf}, }