@article{10.22454/PRiMER.2017.626578, author = {Erlich, Deborah}, title = {Because Life Is Open Book: An Open Internet Family Medicine Clerkship Exam}, journal = {PRiMER}, volume = {1}, year = {2017}, month = {7}, doi = {10.22454/PRiMER.2017.626578}, abstract = {Introduction: A core principle of family medicine is information mastery, or application of principles of evidence-based medicine in clinical practice. While information mastery teaching and assessment are beginning to permeate postgraduate family medicine training programs, and while exciting literature on new open resource assessment methods is emerging, there are no prior descriptions of examinations that specifically assess medical students’ information mastery competency. Methods: To test information mastery competency, a novel final exam for the family medicine clerkship was developed, implemented, and evaluated. During the timed exam, the competency-based information mastery assessment (IMA) requires students to look up evidence-based information using web resources to answer case-based questions. Exam feasibility was tested with pilot examinees whose reactions were gauged. Student performance on the traditional closed book knowledge assessment (KA) was compared with performance on the open internet IMA. Exam performance was compared with preceptor ratings of students’ clinical performance. Low performers were further analyzed for preceptors’ ratings of specific student skills in information mastery and self-directed learning. Results: An open internet IMA testing knowledge application and information mastery skills is not only feasible but can also be educational. Student performance scores on the open internet IMA do not differ from scores on the closed book KA. Students describe many positive features of this open internet IMA. Student performance on the competency-based IMA correlates with clinical ratings by preceptors and with preceptors’ judgment of information mastery skills. Conclusions: A novel approach to assessment in family medicine clerkships may be used to assess student competency in information mastery. Further research is needed for enhanced exam validation.}, URL = {https://journals.stfm.org//primer/2017/erlich-2016-0011/}, eprint = {https://journals.stfm.org//media/1099/erlich-primer2017626578.pdf}, }