My breath caught, heart fell
Packed cheering stadiums of
Future fourth wavers.
College football throngs,
Overflowing crush of fans.
What are we teaching?
Doctors, nurses, and
Social contracts breaking with
Each unmasked mandate.
Exhausted carers
Sounding the alarm again
Who is listening?
Aloof unmasked think
Themselves safe, disregarding
The vulnerable.
Maskless advocates
Likely assume access to
Functioning health care.
Fledgling contagious
Dreams of normalcy smothered by raging,
Blind indifference.
Unwitting, naïve,
I thought my government should
Care for its people.
Vaccines increasing,
Quiet conscientious acts
Representing hope.
Inconvenient masks,
My way of caring for and
Loving all near me.
Meeting opposing
Minds with earnest, open heart
To hear fears and hopes.
Letting go, living
In the moment, trust rising
by day
by day…
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