how does healing enter the world?
it cannot be manufactured or rushed
encapsulated bottled or crushed
automated billed for or bought
or crammed into a 15-minute slot
it cannot be packaged stacked or sorted
traded stockpiled or hoarded
but it can be refused
even denied.
what form does healing take?
it is a warm smile a cold drink
a listening ear a few well-placed words
it is patient and petulant painful and soothing
it is both time and space laughter and tears
giving in hanging on
solitude community
fasting feasting
at times amputating excising
at others transplanting or transfusing
it can take a moment and a lifetime
it can come through contentment
and through refusing to settle
it is thus paradoxical
even magical.
how does healing enter the world?
it enters the world through care
and those who give it
through humanity
and those who choose to live it
so no wound should ultimately fester
should it?
when compassion
can serve
as a conduit.
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