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Editorial Office

Note on Queries to the Editors: The editorial team does not respond to presubmission queries about interest or suitability of manuscripts for PRiMER. Prospective authors should review all tabs on the Author Instructions page prior to submitting a manuscript for consideration.

Editor in Chief 
PRiMER Journal
Christopher Morley, PhD

Publishing Office

Managing Publisher
Sam Grammer

Editorial Assistant
Kathie-Jo Arnoff

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
PRiMER Journal
11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway, Suite 240 
Leawood, KS 66002
Phone: 800.274.7928, ext 6226
Fax: 913.906.6096

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Unless otherwise noted, all PRiMER content is copyrighted by STFM, and may not be reproduced without the written permission of STFM. If you would like to reproduce, reprint, or adapt material from PRiMER for purposes other than nonprofit educational purposes, you must seek permission from the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine. A permission fee is charged when material is to be used in another form of publication (eg, newsletter, textbook, manual, journal/magazine, etc). The fee will be determined once request has been reviewed. Email your permission request to