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Rio Grande River Valley at the Border
Border view of the Rio Grande Valley at Big Bend. The river snakes through the green and yellow foliage as it defines our border with Mexico. The mountains are majestic and the desert vast. The left side is the United States and the right is Mexico. It is great to share such impressive beauty with our neighbor. As a family physician, I have cared for many patients from both sides of the border. People are people no matter on which side of the border they were born. They all need to be treated with dignity and compassion.
—Richard Usatine, MD
Nikon D750 with Nikon wide angle lens 14 – 24 mm f/2.8. May 2016.
October 2023 Vol. 55 No. 9
Pregnancy Care, the Family Medicine Way
Sarina Schrager, MD, MS
Fighting Fires and Battling the Clock: Advance Care Planning in Family Medicine Residency
Tavis Apramian, MD, PhD | Olivia Virag, BA | Erin Gallagher, MD | Michelle Howard, PhD
Providing Obstetric Care: Suggestions From Experienced Family Physicians
Melina K. Taylor, PhD, MPH | Tyler Barreto, MD, MPH | Jessica Taylor Goldstein, MD | Andrea Dotson, MD, MSPH | Aimee R. Eden, PhD, MPH
Comparing Practice Intentions and Patterns of Family Physicians in Canada
Monica Aggarwal, PhD | Alixandra Holtby, MA | Steve Slade, BA
Motivational Interviewing Education in North American Family Medicine Clerkships: A CERA Study
Denee J. Moore, MD | Melissa K. Bradner, MD, MSHA | Scott M. Strayer, MD, MPH | Sally A. Santen, PhD, MD | Cherie Edwards, PhD | Rashelle B. Hayes, PhD | Peter F. Cronholm, MD, MSCE
Cross-Cultural Mentorship in Military Family Medicine: Defining the Problem
Lisa M. Harris, DO | Elyse Fiore Pierre, MD | Nofisat Almaroof, MD | Francesca M. Cimino, MD, MHPE
Impact of Set-Day Clinic on Physician Continuity in a Family Medicine Residency Clinic
Derek Hersch, MPH | Kristen Klemenhagen, PhD, MS | Casey Martin, MD | Bjorn Berg, PhD | Patricia Adam, MD, MSPH
The Impact of Tele-Education on Family Medicine Clerkship Students’ Learning Outcomes
Kendra Unger, MD | Kathleen Bors, MD | Jun Xiang, MS | Madison Lapp, MD | Jason Oreskovich, DO | Ashley Higinbotham, BS | Telista Snyder, BS | Heather Hanks, BS | Amie M. Ashcraft, PhD, MPH
Trends in Pediatric Primary Care Visits During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Opportunity to Address Adolescent Behavioral Health Through Telemedicine
Grace Hong, BA | Justin Less, BS | Bahar Masoudian, BS | Amy Cruz, BFA | Samantha Sifuentes, BS | Jileen Vue, BA | Ananya Yanamandra, BS | Amelia Sattler, MD | Steven Lin, MD
Memory Sticks: A Humorous Review of Medical Training
Jeffrey Walden, MD
Why I Write Poetry
Corey Fogleman, MD
The Specialty of And
Corey Fogleman, MD
Joy Amongst Sorrow
Andrew Gerdes, MD
Poverty, by America
Elizabeth C. Halloran, PhD
From Oversight to Overkill: Inside the Broken System that Blocks Medical Breakthroughs—And How We Can Fix It
Esther Strahan, PhD
The Prescription-to-Prison Pipeline: The Medicalization and Criminalization of Pain
Elizabeth C. Halloran, PhD
Student Identity and Geography Matter for Specialty Choice in Family Medicine
Anamika Blomgren, BS | José E. Rodríguez, MD, FAAFP
Response to "Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Procedural Instruction in the Family Medicine Clerkship: A CERA Study"
Kennedy Ovenseri, DO
The Oral Health Care Provider’s Role in Management of the MOUD Patient
Angel Ogbeide, DDS
Writing an Effective Letter of Reference and Avoiding Pitfalls
Melissa Stiles, MD | Valerie Gilchrist, MD | Sarina Schrager, MD, MS
Jacks, Wayfinders, and Three-Legged Stools
Renee Crichlow, MD